Student Loans are Due October 2nd — What You Should Do?

The most recent tips and resources to help you prepare for repayment

5 min readSep 30, 2023
Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

Please be advised that this is an updated and revised article from:

Student loans are due October 2, 2023, so what should you do? Here are a few tips and resources to help you. I’ve been writing about student debt since 2019 because this is a serious financial burden for me.

In my previous articles about student loan forgiveness, millions of Americans had to face the harsh reality that student loans were not being “reduced or canceled as promised, so if you’re like me…[this] means our student loans are now due. As I stated in my first article, New Student Loan Forgiveness Changes Still Misses The Mark For Millions With Covid Cash Woes I’m still recovering from Covid and not working full time. Therefore, my $93,000 student loan debt is another bill that I simply can’t afford…”

Rent and COVID-related medical expenses are my biggest debts.

Unfortunately, like most Americans —…




Top Writer, freelancer, matriarch, educator & development consultant with bylines in Creators Hub, Better Marketing, Zora, Momentum, An Injustice!, etc.