What Are You Gonna Do When Your Student Loans Are Due?

A few tips and resources to help you prepare for repayment



Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Student loan debt is not going to be reduced or canceled as promised, so if you’re like me and millions of other Americans, 2022 means our student loans are now due. As I stated in my first article, New Student Loan Forgiveness Changes Still Misses The Mark For Millions With Covid Cash Woes I’m still recovering from Covid and not working full time. Therefore, my $93,000 student loan debt is another bill that I simply can’t afford in addition to living expenses and Covid related medical expenses.

Unfortunately, like most Americans — if something doesn’t change my student loan debt will literally follow me to my grave. In the meantime, I’m staying on top of the latest information to help myself and others.

Here are a few student loan tips and resources

Tip #1 Confirm your total debt and loan holders.

If your loans were handled by FedLoan Servicing, The US Department of Education may have transferred them to another company like MOHELA, Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority. Nerdwallet.com says that MOHELA is “a nonprofit company and services both federal and private student loans”.




Top Writer, matriarch, educator & advocate with bylines in Zora, Momentum, An Injustice!, Illumination, Creators Hub, etc. Community Builder #FoodieFridays